
Adams, Hanna, Moore Memorial Post 156



Post 156 Scout Units

Post 156 is proud to sponsor and support two Boy Scouts of America units:

1.    Cub Scout Pack 678: Meets at Phelps Luck Elementary School, 5370 Old Stone Ct., Columbia, 21045. To learn more; click here.

American Legion Square Knot Award

The Square Knot Award recognizes members of the American Legion family who are dedicated to and actively involved in furthering the Boy Scouts of America program. The recipient receives a certificate and a gold and purple square knot that may be worn on a Scout uniform. Click here to get the requirements brochure.

Post 156 Boy Scout Committee

The committee chair is Dana V. Edwards, who is also the Chartered Organization Representative (COR) for Crew 156 and Pack 678. He is the liaison between the Post and the Scouting Units. Please contact him at dana_edwards@comcast.net if you have any questions about Scouting and Post 156.



The American Legion Eagle Scout of The Year

Annually The American Legion Department of Maryland selects an Eagle Scout of The Year.  The nominee must be either:

  1. a registered, active member of a Boy Scout Troop or Venturing Crew chartered to an American Legion Post, Auxiliary Unit or Sons of The American Legion Squadron, or,

  2. be a registered, active member of a chartered Boy Scout Troop or Venturing Crew and the son or grandson of a Legionnaire, Sons of The American Legion or Auxiliary member.

Additionally, he must have received the Eagle Scout Award, be an active member of his religious institution and must have received the appropriate Boy Scout religious emblem, have demonstrated practical citizenship in church, school, Scouting, and community, have reached his 15th birthday and be enrolled in a high school (public, parochial, military, private, or home school) at the time of selection. Eagle Scouts still in high school who reach their 18th birthday during the nomination year remain eligible if otherwise qualified.

A nomination form can be found here with all of the requirements for this honor.

The individual selected as The Department of Maryland Eagle Scout of The Year will receive a $1,000 scholarship and will compete for $10,000 from the American Legion National Scholarship fund. The deadline for the Department of Maryland to receive the Nomination Form is no later than March 1, 2019. Nomination forms and supporting documents should be sent to The Department Scouting Chairman, Dana Edwards at:

Room E
101 N. Gay Street
Baltimore, MD 21202



The American Legion provides for a national scholarship to be awarded to the Eagle Scout who is selected “The American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year.” The American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year will receive a $10,000 scholarship. Three runner-up scholarship awards will be granted in the amount of $2,500 each. The scholarship recipients will be eligible to receive their scholarship immediately upon graduation from high school (public, parochial, military, private, or home school) and must utilize the total award within four (4) years of their graduation date, excluding active military duty or religious mission. Additionally, The American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year will join the Youth Champion delegation and participate in the Legion’s Annual National Convention. 

The selection will be announced in the National Americanism Commission Report to the National Executive Committee during The American Legion's 2019 Spring Meeting in Indianapolis, May 8-9.

For more information about the American Legion and Scouting in Howard County, please contact the Post Scouting Chairman, Mr. Dana V. Edwards at dana_edwards@comcast.net