News and Stories Related to Members of Post 156
5/3/2022 - American Veterans Center - An ‘Old Breed’ Marine Describes Leading Men into Combat on Peleliu and Okinawa: here
12/7/2021 - WMAR ABC 2: Voice for Veterans - 103 year old World War II veteran continues service by helping others: here
11/4/2021 - WMAR ABC 2: Army Veteran, former NSA spy writes to cope with trauma from Vietnam War: here
8/31/2021 - CBS Evening News with Nora O'Donnell - World War II veterans take to the skies on restored planes: here
8/27/2021 - WJLA 'Unforgettable:' Maryland WWII veterans take a 'Dream' flight in a war-era restored plane: here
8/10/2021 - WBFF Col. Lou Schott's 101st Surprise Birthday Breakfast: here
5/30/2021 - WBFF Col. Lou Schott Reflects on meaning of Memorial Day: here
4/17/2021 - WBFF Fox 45 Live Flag Retirement with Ed Hall: here
4/17/2021 - WBFF Fox 45 Live Flag Retirement with Corey Regelin: here
12/17/2020 - Wellness Matters Winter 2020/2021 Interview of Vivian Bailey: here
11/25/2020 - WDVM 25 Hagerstown - The Old Breed; Turning 100: here
11/17/2020 - WDVM 25 Hagerstown - Okinawa: A Local Marine leads his mem in the final firefight: here
11/11/2020 - Honor Flight Heroes Featuring Vivian "Millie" Bailey: here
11/10/2020 - Col. Lou Schott at Marine Commandant's 245th cake cutting ceremony: here
10/18/2020 - WJZ story on Millie's skydive: here
10/18/2020 - WJLA story on Millie's skydive: here
9/2/2020 - USMC Lt Gen Charles G. Chiarotti, hosts a Sunset Parade with guest of honor WWII Veteran, Colonel Louis Schott: here
8/9/2020 - Mission BBQ Lou Schott 100th Birthday: here
8/6/2020 - CNN Tribute to Mike Lauriente: here
4/25/2020 - WMAR Footage for LTC Gerald Greenfield: here
11/14/2019 - WDVM Tribute to Lou Schott: here
6/29/2019 - WJZ Howard County Veterans Monument To Be Named After WWII Lieutenant Vivian Bailey: here
6/6/2019 - Baltimore Sun WWII Veterans Vivian Bailey and Lou Schott: here
1/17/2019 - WJZ WWII Victory Medal for Joe Cacioppo: here
5/16/2018 - MPT, Tom Glenn Fall of Saigon by Nancy Yamada: here
1/30/2018 - CNS TV Millie 100th Birthday: here
10/21/2017 Carroll County History Project, Tom Glenn - National Security Agency, Interview by Larry Burbank: here
2/6/2017 - III Marine Expeditionary Force: here
2015 - Mission BBQ Millie Bailey: here